CMC University hosted and worked with representatives from CMC Global, CMC APAC, and SIMSYS (Singapore).

CMC University hosted and worked with representatives from CMC Global, CMC APAC, and SIMSYS (Singapore).

In the framework of the strategic plan for internationalization development, on the afternoon of December 8th, CMC University welcomed and held discussions with representatives from CMC Global, CMC APAC, and Simple Solution Systems (SIMSYS), Singapore. During the meeting, the parties introduced their respective strengths and discussed potential collaboration directions in the upcoming period. The aim is to create opportunities for research exchange and learning for the faculty and students of CMC University.

Participating in the working session, representing Simple Solution Systems (SIMSYS) was Mr. Anurax Lian – Chief Executive Officer; on behalf of CMC Global, Ms. Pham Thi Van Anh – Account Manager; and for CMC APAC, Ms. Pham Huyen Phuong – Project Manager.

Mr. Anurax Lian – Chief Executive Officer of Simple Solution Systems, Singapore.
Ms. Pham Huyen Phuong – Project Manager at CMC APAC.
Ms. Pham Thi Van Anh – Account Manager at CMC Global.

On the side of CMC University, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung – Vice Rector; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Viet Vu – Head of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication, along with staff from various departments and offices.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung – Vice Rector of CMC University.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Viet Vu – Head of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication, CMC University.

The working session between representatives from CMC University and the delegation from CMC Global and SIMSYS took place in a friendly and open atmosphere. The parties exchanged views on the prospects of collaboration between the University and the business entities in training partnership activities and internship opportunities for students post-graduation.

In his opening remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung expressed joy in welcoming and working with the delegation. He also conveyed the desire for all parties to discuss new collaboration opportunities during the session. The representatives of CMC University provided an overview of the capabilities and position of the CMC Technology Group, as well as the core values, strengths, and distinctive features of CMC University in the higher education system in Vietnam. This includes specialized training programs in the technology and engineering fields.

Listening to the introduction of CMC University’s development roadmap until 2043, Mr. Anurax Lian suggested the implementation of collaborative training programs and student exchanges with leading universities in Australia. According to Mr. Anurax Lian, Australia is a country with a higher education system ranked 7th globally in terms of training students capable of meeting real-world demands from the labor market. Furthermore, Australia is a country where universities have implemented numerous collaborative programs with businesses and leading universities in Europe and the United States, such as RMIT, Monash University, and the University of Newcastle. Building an academic network with top universities in Australia can contribute to achieving CMC University’s goal of becoming an internationally recognized institution, reinforcing the institution’s reputation in the region and worldwide.

During the working session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung introduced the Information Technology program, outlining the various directions within the field, the desired outcomes for students (both in technological and language proficiency), and the advantages of studying Information Technology at CMC University. The university representative emphasized that the training directions at the university enable students to be competitive and participate in the international workforce, catering to the global market in general and English-speaking markets in particular.

In the discussion with the leadership of CMC University, Mr. Anurax Lian praised the university’s commitment to ensuring employment for 100% of students in technology and engineering fields. According to him, this advantage not only provides opportunities for students but also aligns with the human resources development strategy of the CMC Technology Group.

During the working session, representatives from CMC Global, CMC APAC, and SIMSYS shared insights into the manpower needs in Singapore, along with expectations and requirements for personnel. Not only did they express interest in fostering opportunities for collaboration and promoting the exchange of training partnerships between SIMSYS and CMC University, but the CEO of SIMSYS also conveyed the desire to have the opportunity to welcome CMC University students after graduation.

“After exploring the specialized courses and elective subjects in the Information Technology program at CMC University, I highly appreciate the emphasis on practicality and the outcomes for students. This approach enables learners to be employable immediately upon graduation, even before completing their studies. The curriculum framework is constructed and designed closely aligned with the current demands of the information technology market,” shared Mr. Anurax Lian.

Through the initial discussions, representatives from all parties anticipate achieving the discussed goals and collaboration directions during the working session. They aim to establish a cooperative relationship for future development, providing learning and developmental opportunities for students, as well as benefiting the businesses involved.

On behalf of the CMC University Board of Directors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung sincerely appreciates the open and insightful sharing from the representatives of SIMSYS. He affirms that the meeting and discussions will be valuable experiences for the Faculty and the University to continue building collaborative programs with businesses, as well as with domestic and international universities.

During their visit to CMC University, the delegations from SIMSYS, CMC Global, and CMC APAC took the time to tour the learning spaces, library, and various functional areas for students at CMC University. As a result, the CEO of SIMSYS praised the modern and advanced learning environment at the university.

The CEO of SIMSYS toured the learning spaces, library, and several functional areas for students at CMC University.

The working session between CMC University and CMC Global, CMC APAC, and SIMSYS was highly successful, demonstrating a strong collaborative spirit among the parties. This paves the way for numerous new collaboration prospects between the university and the businesses, establishing a foundation for the development of training partnership programs, technology transfer, and employment support for students. This contributes significantly to the university’s goal of educating high-quality human resources.